
Exosome treatments provide a more potent, powerful combination of sources needed to repair our skin.

A Powerful Additive

To Your Favorite Treatments

Transform your skin rejuvenation treatments with the unparalleled benefits of advanced exosome technology. These microscopic, naturally occurring particles are derived from stem cells and act as powerful messengers, communicating vital regenerative signals to your skin. With an impressive count of 1 billion exosomes in each application, this innovative additive maximizes the effectiveness of your favorite aesthetic procedures.


Exosomes May Improve

– Fine Lines, Wrinkles, and Age Spots

– Overall Brightness and Hydration

– Redness and Skin Irritation

– Skin Lesions and Scars

– Skin Texture and Pore Size


High Concentration & Diversity of
Growth Factors

Direct Cell Communication

Nanoscale Size Penetrates Deeply

Consistency & Standardization

miRNA is Hair-Specific

Long-Lasting Effects

Low Average Time Between

Reduced Pain, As Reported



Concentration of Growth Factors

Relies on Health of Individual

Larger Size of Particles

Relatively Low Concentration of miRNA

Not Necessarily Hair-Specific

Results Variable

Requires Several Treatments Yearly

Thicker Viscosity That Can Cause

Key Benefits of Exosomes

Enhanced Healing: Minimize downtime by promoting faster recovery and reducing redness.

Collagen Boost: Encourage skin firmness and elasticity for a more youthful appearance.

Even Tone and Texture: Diminish the appearance of scars, pigmentation, and fine lines.

Hydration and Vitality: Improve skin’s moisture levels and overall radiance.

All of your questions: Answered.

Exosomes FAQ

Ageless Medical Spa

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